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Categories, Eligibility, Requirements, and Judging Criteria

Submission System Feature Journals Campaigns Video/Film Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Implementation
Hosting Platforms Feature Books Social Presence Podcast  Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity, or Accessibility (DEIA) Initiatives
Author Tools Feature Short Form Content Branding Data Visualization Publishing Education and Training Initiatives
Integrity Tools Feature Magazines Media Kit/Collateral Narrative/Multidisciplinary
Digital Projects
Student Publication Continuity Plan
Other Tools/Products Feature Reports Student Publication
Marketing Campaign 
Student Publication
Media Project
  Student Journal - Research      
  Student Journal - Literary      



These awards recognize an outstanding product/service/feature launch or substantial relaunch of an existing product/service/feature that provides a service or adds value at any point in the publication lifecycle. Tools and products in the scholarly publishing workflow refer to the software, platforms, applications, and technological solutions that facilitate and enhance various stages of the publishing process. 


Submission System Feature

Specific functionalities or components within manuscript or abstract management systems that significantly enhance the submission process and improve the experience for authors, editors, publishers, and staff.  Examples: accessibility features, business intelligence tools, and tools that simplify the submission process.

Hosting Platforms Feature

Key features within platforms that improve the accessibility, reliability, and user experience of hosting and managing scholarly content. Examples: tools that will enhance readability or visualization, dashboards, and artificial intelligence (AI) features that create value through summary or aggregation.

Author Tools Feature

Standalone tools are designed to assist authors in preparing, formatting, submitting, and promoting their manuscripts. Examples: manuscript preparation services, editing tools, formatting checks, journal finder tools, and post-publication promotional services.

Integrity Tools Feature

Tools to assist publishers, editorial boards, or reviewers in identifying unethical research and publication problems, such as papermill papers, citation cartels, peer review rings, AI-generated content, fake papers, and other emerging threats. Examples: standalone products or tools integrated into submission platforms, natively or via API. 

Other Tools/Products Feature    

Innovative tools or product features that do not fit into the other specific subcategories but significantly contribute to the publishing process. Examples: standalone tools/products/features and those designed to integrate into other systems in areas such as citations, usage data, related content, accessibility, supplementary materials, code/data repositories, preprints, user activity tracking, advertising management, and user alert management.


  • Open to all developers, companies, and organizations that have created tools or products that benefit the pursuit of scholarly communications.
  • Eligible tools or products must have been launched or relaunched with substantial changes (50% or greater) between January 1, 2022, and December 31, 2024.
  • Products/Features can be submitted in multiple years as long as they are within the eligibility timeframe. 
  • Winners cannot resubmit for the same product/feature in subsequent years.

Submission Materials

  • Entry Overview
    Provide information about the functionality, target market, benefits, and expected business value or impact of the product/tool/feature. Explain how the offering provides new and continuing benefits and how the product/tool/feature enhances a tool portfolio.
  • Engagement & Evaluation
    Include qualitative and quantitative data and metrics highlighting user experience and the impact of the product/tool/feature on their workflow.
  • Samples
    A short video (maximum 5 minutes) demonstrating the tool or product in action or screenshots and links to a reviewable example.
  • Optional Supporting Materials
    Supporting materials for the new product or service launch may include web pages/micro-sites, print and digital promotion pieces, social media, video, apps, and other materials.

Judging Criteria

  • Innovation & Creativity
    The innovation and creativity in the tool or product's approach, format, or content.
  • Usability & Accessibility
    How user-friendly and accessible the tool or product is for its intended audience.
  • Scalability & Sustainability
    The ability of the tool or product to be scaled or adapted for broader use within the industry and the potential for long-term success.
  • Impact
    The measurable impact of the tool or product on improving the efficiency and quality of the publishing process or industry.

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These awards recognize outstanding writing, content, design, consistency, reader experience, and overall packaging of print or digital journals, books, short-form content, magazines, and reports. These publications are intended to share original research, review existing knowledge, or provide critical analysis on specific topics written by experts in academic or professional fields and evaluated by other experts before publication to ensure quality and credibility. The audience includes those who understand specialized knowledge of the profession or industry or teach the material to students or the interested public.



Peer-reviewed periodicals (one or more issues from a volume or a particular issue) that contain original research, reviews, or scholarly articles. 


Comprehensive, in-depth works of scholarship that provide detailed exploration and analysis of specific topics. Books in scholarly publishing include monographs, edited volumes, and reference works that contribute significantly to their fields. New editions should consist of at least 50% new content or be published at least ten years after the previous edition.

Short Form Content

Scholarly short form content includes concise, focused pieces such as newsletters and blogs that aim to quickly disseminate specific findings, insights, and original commentary on issues, events, and people. These provide timely updates and contribute to ongoing discussions within academic or professional fields, allowing researchers and professionals to share information without the extensive format of full-length articles or books. Submissions must include original content.


Scholarly magazines are periodical publications that feature articles, commentary, news, and reviews on various topics related to a specific academic or professional field. While they may include contributions from experts, they are generally less formal than scholarly journals yet more in-depth than newsletters or blogs. Magazines in this context may not always be peer-reviewed but are edited for quality and relevance. They aim to inform, engage, and provide insights on current trends, issues, and developments within the field.


Scholarly reports are detailed documents like toolkits, standards, guidelines, and conference proceedings published separately from a magazine, newsletter, newspaper, or journal. These reports present research findings, data analysis, or an investigation on a specific topic, issued on a one-time or annual basis. Authored by experts, reports may undergo peer review or editorial oversight to ensure accuracy and credibility. They aim to provide comprehensive insights, recommendations, and conclusions based on systematic research and analysis.

Student Journal - Research

Student-run research journals that publish original research, reviews, and scholarly articles across various academic disciplines. These journals disseminate new research findings and advance knowledge within specific fields. 

Student Journal - Literary 

Student-run literary journals that publish creative writing, poetry, essays, and other scholarly works. These journals provide a platform for student writers to showcase their talents and contribute to the literary community. 


  • Open to publishers, institutions, and organizations that produce scholarly publications.
  • Eligible publications must have been published (or had at least one issue published) between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024. 
  • English language editions of textbooks or scholarly books first published in another language are not eligible. 
  • Student Category: Open to student organizations, student-run publications, and student editorial staff involved in scholarly publishing.

Submission Materials

  • Entry Overview
    Provide information about the publication's purpose, target audience, and critical features. Explain how the publication contributes to the academic community and its field. 
  • Engagement & Evaluation
    Include qualitative and quantitative data and metrics showcasing reach, citations, readership, and overall impact of the publication.
  • Samples
    Digital copies of the publication or links to representative samples.
  • Optional Supporting Materials
    Supporting materials for marketing, promotional activities, and outreach efforts to engage the target audience.

Judging Criteria

  • Innovation & Creativity
    The innovation and creativity in the publication's approach, format, or content.
  • Quality
    The overall quality of the publication's design, production, content, and appropriate levels of informativeness and execution.
  • Usability & Accessibility
    How user-friendly and accessible the publication is for its intended audience.
  • Impact
    The measurable influence of the publication on its field, including impact analytics (sales, downloads, citations, reviews, views, engagement, etc.) and readership reception.

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These awards recognize strategic, well-coordinated efforts and outstanding writing, content, design, and social media for digital and print sales, marketing, and communication materials and campaigns. This includes social presence, branding, and content marketing in the scholarly publishing field across single or multiple channels intended to promote scholarly communication effectively. These awards highlight strategic, well-coordinated efforts that effectively promote scholarly communication. 



Marketing campaigns are strategic, coordinated efforts that can include online and offline activities. Examples: advertising, promotional events, email marketing, content marketing, web pages/micro-sites, print promotion pieces, social media, video, and other supporting materials.

Social Presence    

The use of social media platforms to promote scholarly publications or services, engage with the academic or publishing community, and build a solid online presence. Examples: original content, campaigns, influencer partnerships, series-type posts, and community engagement initiatives.


Efforts to create and maintain a recognizable brand identity for scholarly publications or services. Examples:  logo design, visual identity, messaging, rebranding initiatives, brand awareness campaigns, and overall brand strategy.

Media Kit/Collateral

Substantial supporting materials designed to promote scholarly publications or services to various stakeholders, including media, potential authors, readers, or users. These materials provide essential information and showcase the publication's or service's strengths and unique aspects. Examples: Media kits and collateral include organized, designed, and packaged printed or digital directories, buyers’ guides, advertising kits, or catalogs for a target audience to use.

Student Publication Marketing Campaign 

Marketing campaigns designed and executed by students to promote scholarly publications, events, or initiatives. These campaigns can include online and offline activities, such as social media campaigns, email marketing, and event promotions. 


  • Open to publishers, institutions, and organizations that market scholarly publications or services within the scholarly publishing industry.
  • Marketing efforts must be related to scholarly publications or publishing services and have been executed from January 1 through December 31, 2024. 
  • Student Category: Open to student organizations, student-run publications, and student editorial staff involved in scholarly publishing.

Submission Materials

  • Entry Overview
    Provide information describing the marketing initiative's purpose, target audience, the strategies and tactics used in the campaign, and any promotional activities and outreach efforts. Explain how the initiative contributed to the visibility of the product or service and increased audience engagement.
  • Engagement & Evaluation
    Include qualitative and quantitative data and metrics showcasing the marketing initiative's reach, engagement, and overall impact. 
  • Samples
    Digital copies of the marketing material or links to up to 3 representative samples.

Judging Criteria

  • Innovation & Creativity
    The innovation and creativity in the marketing initiative's approach, format, or content.
  • Clarity & Effectiveness
    The clarity and coherence of the marketing initiative's strategy, implementation, messaging, and outcomes, including audience appropriateness.
  • Impact
    The measurable impact of the marketing initiative on increasing the visibility, engagement, reach, or feedback and satisfaction levels from the target audience and stakeholders. Success metrics can include increases in membership recruitment, retention or engagement, revenue, industry visibility, testimonials, and reviews.

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These awards recognize outstanding original promotional or informative audiovisual content, whether standalone or supporting a more significant publication or service in the scholarly publishing field, intended to illustrate a concept. The goal is to celebrate creativity, technical skill, and the effectiveness of these media projects in engaging audiences and enhancing the dissemination of scholarly knowledge.



Video projects that promote scholarly publications or services or disseminate scholarly publishing content. This can include documentaries, promotional videos, instructional videos, and interviews. Examples: short films, author interviews, video abstracts, promotional trailers, video series, and social video content.


Audio programs that discuss, promote, or disseminate scholarly publishing content or services. Podcasts can cover various topics and formats, including interviews, panel discussions, and storytelling. Examples: episodic series, one-off episodes, and special podcast projects.

Data Visualization

Visual representations of data are designed to promote scholarly publishing content or services or enhance the understanding of complex information. Examples: Data visualizations can include interactive graphics, infographics, visual analytics tools, interactive dashboards, static infographics, and data-driven web applications.

Narrative/Multidisciplinary Digital Projects

Digital projects that use multiple forms of media to tell a story or explore a scholarly topic. These projects often integrate text, video, audio, data visualization, and interactive elements to create a comprehensive and engaging experience. Examples: multimedia narratives, digital exhibitions, interdisciplinary digital projects, and digital humanities resources.

Student Publication Media Project

Media projects created by students to promote scholarly content or engage with the academic community. This includes videos, short films, podcasts, and other multimedia initiatives. 


  • Open to publishers, institutions, and organizations that produce media related to scholarly publications.
  • Media projects must be related to scholarly content and have been produced or released between January 1 through December 31, 2024. 
  • Video recordings of live events, such as sessions at association/industry meetings or webinars, are not appropriate.
  • Student Category: Open to student organizations, student-run publications, and student editorial staff involved in scholarly publishing.

Submission Materials

  • Entry Overview
    Provide information describing the media project's purpose, target audience, key features, and goals. Describe the project budget amount, the technologies used, any challenges overcome, and how the project contributed to the visibility and engagement of the scholarly content. 
  • Engagement & Evaluation
    Include qualitative and quantitative data and metrics showcasing the media piece's reach, engagement, and overall impact. 
  • Samples
    Digital copies of the media or links to up to 3 representative samples with timestamps of key highlights where appropriate.
  • Optional Supporting Materials
    Supporting materials such as transcripts

Judging Criteria

  • Innovation & Creativity
    The innovation and creativity in the media's approach, format, or content.
  • Quality
    The overall quality of the media's design, production, content, and appropriate levels of informativeness and execution.
  • Clarity & Effectiveness
    The clarity and coherence of the media's strategy, implementation, messaging, and outcomes, including audience appropriateness.
  • Impact
    The measurable impact of the media on increasing the visibility, engagement, reach, or feedback and satisfaction levels from the target audience and stakeholders. Success metrics can include increases in acquisition, retention or engagement, revenue, industry visibility, testimonials and reviews, followers, fans, views, links, videos, photos, etc.

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These awards recognize outstanding efforts in implementing social initiatives and providing training programs within scholarly publishing and adjacent communities. These initiatives are designed to create a positive impact, foster inclusive environments, and equip individuals with skills and knowledge about scholarly publishing or the publishing process. The goal is to celebrate impactful, innovative, and practical initiatives that contribute to improving the scholarly publishing community and society.


Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Implementation

Programs that align with and support the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the context of scholarly publishing. Entries must demonstrate a commitment to achieving specific SDGs through scholarly publishing activities. While the entries may align with varying SDGs, it is the program and its effectiveness that will be evaluated. Examples: promoting environmental sustainability, reducing inequality, enhancing education, etc. 

Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity, or Accessibility (DEIA) Initiatives

Programs designed to promote diversity, equity, inclusion, or accessibility (DEIA) within the scholarly publishing community. These can include programs that support historically excluded groups, improve accessibility of content, and create equitable opportunities for all. Examples: training programs, policy changes, outreach efforts, inclusive hiring practices, accessibility enhancements for digital content, and support networks that advance DEIA goals.

Publishing Education and Training Initiatives

Programs that provide education and training opportunities related to scholarly publishing. These educational activities are designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of individuals working in publishing or interacting with scholarly publishers. Examples: courses, workshops, informational materials, certification programs, and mentorship initiatives.

Student Publication Continuity Plan

Plans developed by student organizations to ensure the continuity and sustainability of their publications or projects. These plans can include strategies for leadership transitions, funding, and long-term goals. 


  • Open to publishers, institutions, and organizations working within the scholarly publishing ecosystem.
  • Initiatives must have been launched or ongoing within the last three years, from January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2024. Initiatives can be submitted in multiple years if they are within the eligibility time frame. 
  • Winners can not resubmit for the same initiative in subsequent years.
  • Student Category: Open to student organizations, student-run publications, and student editorial staff involved in scholarly publishing.

Submission Materials

  • Entry Overview
    Provide information describing the initiative's purpose, target audience, key features, and goals. Explain how the initiative was implemented, including strategies, timelines, and resources used, and how the initiative contributes to the objectives of the organization or industry. 
  • Engagement & Evaluation
    Include qualitative and quantitative data and metrics showcasing the participation rates, feedback from participants, improvements in key metrics, and the overall impact of the initiatives. 
  • Samples
    Digital copies of the planning documents, implementation strategies, and reports that provide insight into the initiative.
  • Optional Supporting Materials
    Supporting materials such as videos, photos, promotional pieces

Judging Criteria

  • Innovation & Creativity
    The innovation and creativity in the initiative's approach, format, or content.
  • Clarity & Effectiveness
    The clarity and coherence of the initiative's strategy, implementation, messaging, and outcomes, including audience appropriateness.
  • Scalability & Sustainability
    The initiative's ability to be scaled or adapted for broader use within the industry and the potential for long-term success.
  • Impact
    The measurable impact of the initiative in achieving its goals and creating positive change. Success metrics can include participation rates, participant feedback, key metrics improvements, and more.

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